Edgar Straehle Tradition, memory and revolution. Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt facing the revolutionary past. PDF (Español (España))
Facundo Vega Facundo Vega “In the Vicinities, in the Distances”: Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, and the An-archic Principle of Beginning PDF (Español (España))
María Rita Moreno, Paula Ripamonti Angelus Novus and Er. Figures of the history in Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt PDF (Español (España))
Ana Lanfranconi Kid’s stuff in Arendt and Benjamin: resisting the world by the hand of childhood PDF (Español (España))
Antonio Gómez Ramos Kafka, the Creatures and the Law. Where Arendt and Benjamin meet and parting ways PDF (Español (España))
Daniela Losiggio, Natalia Taccetta Violence, law and rage: a possible relationship between Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt PDF (Español (España))
Claudia Galindo Lara Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin: an (un) interrupted dialogue between two pearl fishers PDF (Español (España))
Oscar Gracia Landaeta Modernity, art and masses: common perspectives between Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt PDF (Español (España))
Gustavo Adolfo Maldonado Martínez, Heidi Alicia Rivas Lara Labor, work, and leisure: discussion between Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin PDF (Español (España))