Chilena. Terapeuta Ocupacional, Magister y Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Sus líneas de investigación están orientadas al análisis de políticas educativas e inclusión escolar y estudios de gubernamentalidad en la interface salud y educación. Actualmente desarrolla el proyecto FONDECYT de iniciación 11170479: “Prácticas ‘psi’ en La Escuela”: Efectos de la Intervención Psicosocial en el Marco de Políticas Educativas Inclusivas”
Since 1981, Chilean universities experienced profound transformations outlined by what some authors call the New Public Management. Released to the market and mandated to modernize their management systems under an entrepreneurial spirit, the universities went from being providers of a social right, such as education, to becoming an institution that provides educational services. Under the figure of the self-entrepreneur, this article examines the transformations that Chilean university student movements have experienced in the last fifteen years. Specifically, the changes in their demands, tactics and strategies of struggles are problematized, showing the performative effects of the neoliberal order on the subjectivities of the students and the way in which they link with the new teaching subjectivity.
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