Argentino, Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Profesor adjunto de las Carreras Licenciatura en Filosofía y Profesorado en Filosofía (UNNE).
The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the idea of “political autonomy” behold by Louis Althusser, trough out the exploring of two basic fields of his theory: the marxist theory of knowledge and the consequences that the interdependence of notions such as “ideology” and “subjectivity” has for the reflection of a materialistic political practice. On his reading of the dialectic materialism, Althusser had emphasized the need of recognize the positive role that ideology plays within the development of social relations. Knowledge acquires relevance since its represents the chance to break the reproduction of conditions such as inequality and submission. Nonetheless, when the room for individual action is questioned the problem arises regarding the conditions for the alleged breakdown