Chileno, Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile. Académico del Departamento de Teoría de las Artes en la misma casa de estudios, miembro del claustro del Doctorado en Filosofía con mención en Estética y Teoría del Arte y del programa de Magister en Artes Visuales. Ha sido becario y profesor residente de postdoctorado en Université Paris 8 Vincennes/Saint-Denis y profesor visitante en la Universidad de Caldas, Colombia.
This article proposes an interpretation of Roland Barthes’s La chambre claire based on the syntagma “madness of photography”, as a sign of an original and radical theory of photographic experience. By virtue of its ontological and technological core (concerning the unprecedented configuration of an image-time) and of a strong articulation between the referential status of the image and the drive status in the Spectator (linking photography mainly to the proccesses of the unconscious), the photo owns a unique power: that of marking in the subject an exceptional affective intensity. I propose to demonstrate that Barthes understands photography as the place of an extreme experience, as for in the event of punctum, the Spectator pushes the limits of meaning and the coming of the unnamable
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