Docente e Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Dirige el Instituto de Expresión Visual perteneciente a la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes (UNSJ.)
We propose to read The Anti-Oedipus in a fanonian key. We are going to focus on the interpellation work that is carried out in this book, on the ways of linking the psycho, social and political dimensions that are in vogue at the time the book is written and published. We wonder how Deleuze and Guattari's program develops a transversal critique of the original asymmetry theory and accuses the systematic obliteration of the mechanisms that make it functional to the system. Fanonian writing is summoned when the limit of an inbred clinic that bifurcates and racializes the unconscious is presented. We are interested in how this limit paves the way for Deleuze and Guattari's removal of contractualism based on the fiction of the myth of foundation and logos, and because it informs some constitutive conditions of the production of subjectivities typical of capitalism, but also of colonialism and coloniality
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