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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)

Herculine Barbin or the critique of the binary regime of sexuality. Considerations around the relationship between power, sexual difference and identity

June 19, 2021


In the article we carry out a reading of the dossier on Herculine Barbin, a 19th century hermaphrodite who commits suicide at the age of 29 after having been legally reassigned to the "opposite sex", which Michel Foucault recovered from the medico-legal annals of the XIX century and published in 1978. A reading that emphasizes the subjective and experiential nature of Herculine's memoirs, as well as the critical nature that Foucault attributes to them and how this allows him to question the idea that there is a "true sex" and, therefore, a “legitimate sexual identity”. Based on the above, we strive to show how the memories show the violent functioning of the binary regime of sexuality and the heteronormative character of the "sex-gender continuum", which allows us to recover the relevance of the project of a "desexualization of the pleasure” that Foucault used as the radical political strategy that would allow us to arrive at a new, fuller and freer economy of the body and its pleasures. 


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