Nacido en Zamora, España, es licenciado en filosofía por la Universidad de Salamanca y diplomado e Estudios Avanzados en la misma Universidad. Ha cursado además posgrados en las áreas de inmigración, ciudadanía e integración (UNED). En el ámbito profesional desarrolla una importante labor en el campo de la educación social.
Philosophic thought has always been knowledge in doubt, questioned about its usefulness. This permanent weakness has accentuated itself in our time. Now, is it true that philosophy lack sense or usefulness in our modern world? Nothing is further from reality, as this article attempts to argue. Philosophy is knowledge for our times as a time of reckoning and closed identities. It is knowledge of frontier and migrant for meeting and understanding the other, for dialogue and listening. That is its value, but along its journey of knowledge and comprehension it needs literature. In the very frontier between philosophy and literature resides its meaning. Maybe thought conducted in Spanish is an example of this. In short, is there more usefulness for knowledge than to be an instrument for meeting and understanding of others? How can philosophy be knowledge of these characteristics?