Profesor en la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación en Santiago de Chile. Magíster en Filosofía c/m en axiología y filosofía política en la Universidad de Chile. Cuenta con numerosos artículos en revistas científicas internacionales sobre la obra de Nietzsche, además de haber colaborado en traducciones de obras relacionadas de este autor
The feverish writing and manufacturing of Nietzsche takes a turn very unique, especially in Ecce Homo. If the prologues of the year in 1886-1887 assumes that his works were born of his struggle with the disease, here it is already built into the body and therefore the speech. Hyperbolic rhetoric, exaggerated gesture illuminate fundamental philosophical: the body as rhetorical agent. A truth (parresia) comprising abysmally (madness) that the only possibility of facing the West is exposed as a body, just as Don Quixote Diogenes and ultimately the buffoon, is capable of a truth that confronts the power of a true consensus.