Christian Laval é francês e professor de sociologia na Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Ele é especialista em liberalismo, particularmente na filosofia utilitarista de Jeremy Bentham. É autor de muitos livros sobre esses assuntos, incluindo vários em colaboração com Pierre Dardot. É membro da Sophiapol, do Groupe de études Question Marx e do Centre Bentham. Também é pesquisador associado do Institut de recherches de la Fédération syndicale unitaire.
The author sought to reconstruct the trajectory of studies regarding neoliberalisation of education, and then establish Foucault’s position in this context. For some years, the French philosopher’s work remained, at least in France, far from analyzes regarding neoliberalism. But, with the publication of the courses in which Foucault analyzes neoliberalism a new theoretical current of Foucauldian studies emerged. There was an attempt to return to Foucault’s interpretation regarding the changes that have occurred in society since the philosopher’s courses. The book The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society, by Christian Laval and Pierre Dardot, was responsible for carrying out this movement to bring Foucault’s diagnosis to the present. Many studies emerged presenting a new diagnosis of education systems which, despite not mentioning Foucault, were based on The New Way of the World. The French philosopher’s courses gave rise to a new generation of thinkers and researchers responsible for reestablishing the character of radical political criticism of Foucault’s work.
BRUNO, Isabelle; CLÉMENT, Pierre; LAVAL, Christian. La grande mutation: néolibéralisme et éducation en Europe. Paris, Syllepse, 2010.
DARDOT, Pierre; LAVAL, Christian. A nova razão do mundo: ensaio sobre a sociedade neoliberal. Trad.: Mariana Echalar. 1. ed. Boitempo Editorial, São Paulo, 2016.
DARDOT, Pierre; GUÉGUEN, Haud ; LAVAL, Christian; SAUVÊTRE, Pierre. A escolha da guerra civil: uma outra história do neoliberalismo. Trad.: Márcia Pereira Cunha. Editora Elefante, São Paulo, 2021b.
FOUCAULT, Michel. La société punitive, Cours au Collège de France, 1972-1973. EHESS/Seuil/Gallimard, Paris, 2013.
FOUCAULT, Michel. O enigma da revolta. Trad.: Lorena Balbino. São Paulo, N-1 Edições, 2019.
LAVAL, Christian; VERGNE, Francis; CLÉMENT, Pierre; DREUX, Guy. La Nouvelle école capitaliste. La découverte, Paris, 2011.
LAVAL, Christian. « Le virage neuronal de l’éducation ». En : BLAY Michel et LAVAL Christian, Neuropédagogie, Le cerveau au centre de l’école. Tschann & Cie, Paris, 2019.
LAVAL, Christian; VERGNE, Francis. Educação democrática: A revolução escolar iminente. Trad. : Fabio Creder. Editora Vozes, Rio de Janeiro, 2023.