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No. 14 (2023): Foucault y la «Italian Theory»

Governmentality, Hegemony, Immunopolitics: Foucault, Gramsci, Esposito

June 28, 2023


In a lecture from his 1978-1979 course at the Collège de France, Birth of Biopolitics, Foucault poses the question of whether there is a “socialist governmentality” that could represent an alternative to neoliberal governmentality. His answer is negative, as he considers that socialism at the time basically consists of a “hyper-administration of the State”, thus ignoring a rationality of government involving social conducts. The same question – the relationship between social movements and the State – represents a fundamental constant within Italian Theory; two formulations in particular are considered: Antonio Gramsci’s “hegemony” and Roberto Esposito’s more recent “instituting praxis”, which rethinks biopolitics as “immunopolitics”.


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