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No. 13 (2022): Foucault y las artes

Foucault and the subject of the space in Las Meninas

December 27, 2022


In the text that Foucault dedicated to the work of Velázquez, we find that the theme of the space is very present, as it was in general in his observations. Throughout these lines we investigate this approach, characteristic of the author´s thinking, which he himself located in the space of the world, taking as a reference the painting that was the object of his study. Temporality, invisibility, emptiness, and limits are issues that we address in this analysis where we realize that the spaces adapt to the requirements of a new look and this, to unusual designs such as the panopticon. A comparison is also made with Foucault´s reading of some of Manet´s paintings, confronting the conclusions reached by the author after studying the work of both artists in depth.



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