Juan Cruz Cuamba Herrejón, mexicano, es Licenciado en Filosofía (2010) por la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), así como Maestro en Filosofía de la Cultura por la UMSNH y Doctor en Filosofía (2021) por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, con una tesis sobre Foucault y la literatura. Realizó una estancia de investigación (2012) con el Dr. Miguel Morey Farré en la Universitat de Barcelona y una estancia (2019) en el archivo Foucault de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen disciplinas como estética y ontología, inscritas en la filosofía francesa contemporánea (postestructuralismo) en autores como Blanchot, Bataille, Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, Quignard, entre otros.
Starting from the notion of precursor, this article explains and develops those who are considered to constitute the field of demarcation from which Foucault’s historical problematization of literature starts. This field is made up of two major axes that come together in a relationship of tension and complementarity in the Foucauldian treatment of literary texts, namely: the archaeological, which operates considering literature at the same hierarchical level as part of the archive of a certain period and the analytical-interpretative, where what is exposed is the singularity of thought and its possible extensions within the literary library. As a precursor of the archaeological treatment, Dumézil is presented and the establishment of structural homologies between various documents from the same period. And as precursors of the second treatment appear both Blanchot (with the blurring of the borders between literature and literary criticism and the criticism of the traditional notions of the same [author, work]) and Bataille (with whom the sovereignty of literary writing is established through transgression against the death of the author as a sovereign figure).
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DELEUZE, Gilles. Diferencia y repetición. Trad. Silvia Delpy, Hugo Beccacece. Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 2002.
DREYFUS, Hubert y RABINOW, Paul. Michel Foucault: más allá del estructuralismo y la hermenéutica. Trad. Rogelio Paredes. Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires, 2017.
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