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No. 11 (2021): Lecturas foucaultianas de Kant

Transgression of experience or the positive address of the critical system by Kant. A discussion with Michel Foucault around the metaphysics problem in his Kant´s Reading

December 28, 2021


In the present article I undertake a discussion with Michel Foucault concerning the determination, in his 1983 Berkeley lecture, of the kantian critique as a theoretical, negative and transcendental question, oriented to “necessary limitation”. I will try to expose the sense in which Kant’s critical work, more specifically, the KrV-and not only some of his political texts such as the second part of The Conflict of the Faculties and Answer to a Question: What is Enlightenment?-does not respond so much to the project of an “analytic of truth” as to the practical and genealogical objective of a “possible transgression”, which lays the foundations for the possibility of an ontology of the actualities.


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