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No. 8 (2020): Lecturas foucaultianas del liberalismo y el neoliberalismo

Desire and the Christian origins of liberal governmentality

June 20, 2020


Abstract: This article focuses on Michel Foucault’s investigation on Christianity in order to discuss some contemporary readings that consider Saint Augustine’s theory of desire as a crucial focal point of Foucault’s genealogy of liberalism. The main hypothesis of the article is that such readings may lead to a partial understanding of the Christian dimension of Foucault’s genealogy of liberalism. This is for, by focusing exclusively on Saint Augustine’s theory of desire, these readings may not be able to account for the crucial relevance that Foucault gives to monasticism in the shaping of liberalism. In order to emphasise the role of monasticism in Foucault’s genealogy of liberalism, the article draws on the notion of “discipline”. On the one hand, the article analyses Saint Augustine’s account of discipline, which constitutes the political consequence of the perspective on libido built up by the bishop of Hippo. In order to examine Saint Augustine’s account of libido, the article particularly draws on Foucault’s The Confessions of the Flesh. On the other hand, the article centres on the relevance played by monasticism in Foucault’s genealogy of modern discipline. Based on the contrast displayed by the comparison between Foucault’s and Saint Augustine’s perspective on discipline, the article thematises the crucial role of monasticism in Foucault’s genealogy of liberalism by focusing on Foucault’s reflection on Jeremy Bentham. 


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