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No. 7 (2019): Foucault y el derecho

The security society according to Michel Foucault: The limits of the effectiveness of Law in the governmentality paradigm

December 26, 2019


Modern political reason is conspicuously based on a security principle, and is commonly thought from the contractual paradigm of the Rule of Law. However, between 1977 and 1978, especially in “Security, territory, population” lecture, Michel Foucault questions this line of reasoning and proposes an investigation about the relation between politics and security in an “art of governing” framework, as something that is put into practice outside its fundamental legal limits. As a result, the philosopher presents a diagnosis about what can be understood as “security societies”, rather original and complementary to his thesis of the “surveillance society”, set out in 1975 in “Discipline and punish”. Thus, this theoretical work aims to elucidate the analysis proposed by the French philosopher, because identifies in it a powerful instrument to better understand the political-juridical dynamics of contemporary societies.


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