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No. 7 (2019): Foucault y el derecho

Right of the Governed and Moral Dissent in Foucault

December 26, 2019


The aim of this article is to carry out an analysis on the notion of “right of the governed” and its relation to punishment in Michel Foucault’s work from the philosopher’s interventions in selected texts from the period 1973-1984. The anti-humanist perspective will be made clear from which Foucault understands both questions. Our hypothesis will enquire if this necessary normativity that the philosopher sustains is based on an affection rather than on an abstract constructivist model and we will investigate the convergence of the defense of moral dissidence that it carries out with the anti-punitivism of the neoliberal authors of which Foucault is used in The Birth of Biopolitics (Lectures at the Collège de France 1978-1979). We will explore the existence of a common libertarian premise that supports the defense of the rights of the governed while rejecting punitivism in matters of morality. 


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