Mauricio Pelegrini é brasileiro, bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), mestre e doutorando em História Cultural pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Autor de “Michel Foucault e a Revolução Iraniana” (Intermeios, São Paulo, 2019) e de diversos artigos sobre Foucault, principalmente sobre os temas do neoliberalismo, aleturgias, feminismo e Irã.
The article begins with the account of the public exchange of messages between Michel Foucault and an anonymous Iranian reader, pseudonym Atoussa H. I intend to show how the controversy between the two was the main target of a allegedly feminist critique of the Iranian reports that Foucault wrote in the years 1978-1979. From a post-structuralist definition of gender, it is clear that such criticism essentializes the definitions of the concept of woman, being totally opposed to the foucauldian analytic of power. Both Foucault and the Iranian feminist movement were opposed to the Shah’s dictatorship, and both were also strong critics of the theocratic dictatorship installed after by Ayatollah Khomeini. It is my contention that the insurrectional movement analyzed by Foucault in Iran was multiple and fragmented, not conniving with the persecution of human rights that occurred after the Revolution.
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