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The Confessions of Augustine: Discourse and the Flesh

July 27, 2018


The absence of analysis of Augustine’s work, especially of any interpretation of the Confessions, which are undoubtedly a crucial text for the history of Western subjectivity, stands out as a remarkable feature of Michel Foucault’s investigations on the genealogy of modern subject. In my essay I try to develop an interpretation of Augustine’s text according to the framework provided by Foucault himself. It turns out that Confessions are neither an example of “self-writing” nor any of the “techniques of the self” described by Foucault. This exceptional character of Confessions is based on the carnal and emotional dimensions of the Augustine’s experiences, which also allow for the other type of analysis represented by the interpretations by Derrida or Lyotard. Instead of being a model example of developing a Christian identity, the Confessions seem to prove the impossibility of such a task and convey the experience of a fracture that disintegrates any apparently coherent subject.


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