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No. 4 (2018): Foucault y la teoría feminista: identidad y poder

Foucault and feminism: political tensions in the framework of an ontology of ourselves

March 15, 2018


The present research work starts from the analysis of the character of the historical ontology presented by Foucault as a thinker who is oriented from the metaphysical rest as impossibility of the totalizations. From this logic of thinking the political from an ontology of the event and the rejection of all programmatic and eschatological presumptions, it will focus on the constitution of its aesthetics of existence, giving an account of the relevance of its archaeological-genealogical method to explain the process of constituting the subjects of desire. The central axis of Foucault’s possible discussion with the feminist movement is based on a discursive dispersion with respect to contemporary modes of subjectivation, although the notion of pleasure as a political tool for the constitution of alternative ways of life to be emphasized will be highlighted. normalized ways of life. The possibility of reading Foucault from feminism will focus on the theoretical tools that the French philosopher has developed in his theoretical works.


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