Verna Martínez Martín es Graduado en Filosofía y Máster en Formación del Profesorado por la Universitat de Barcelona. Actualmente ejerce de profesor de secundaria, y prepara su proyecto de doctorado para el programa de Filosofía Contemporánea y Estudios Clásicos de la Universitat de Barcelona, acerca del lugar que la noción de “objeto” ocupa en la crítica política de los pensamientos marxista y feminista, así como en las potencialidades políticas a las que pueda aspirar la Object Oriented Ontology (OOO).
Michel Foucault’s oeuvre addresses many subjects which have been interesting for feminist social movements. However, this has not been able to avoid deep disagreements between both standpoints. Even if we already know that Foucault has mobilized some of feminisms, we must analyze in depth the links that connect these two discourses in order to find out to what extent it is possible to come to any type of conciliatory synthesis. Without dwelling over justifications of one side or another, describing a “feminist Foucault” or a “blessed feminism”, we ask about three fundamental issues for this relationship: body, sexual difference and subjectivity. The aim is to explore the possibilities of a foucauldian feminism, which doesn’t lose the philosopher’s theoretical depth nor the critical acuteness of social resistance.
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