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Vol. 14 (2023): Especial: Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt: Diálogos (in)interrumpidos

Kid’s stuff in Arendt and Benjamin: resisting the world by the hand of childhood

  • Ana Lanfranconi
October 3, 2023


The education concretizes the relationship between generations. In fact, it articulates the roles and expectations that kids, adults and institutions play in the present social fabric. Therefore, it is one of the most significant places of transmission of forms and bonds necessary for the world to succumb or to resist life’s destructive requests and automated social processes. However, we will look for these politic strategies of resistance, which Arendt sets as eminent competence of adults, in Walter Benjamin’s texts traversed by children. Could we talk about politicization of children’s space and children’s place in politicization beyond indoctrination and parties’ programmes?


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