Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas es Licenciado en Ciencia Política, Especialista en Estudios Políticos, Magíster en Teoría Política y Social y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es Ayudante de Primera en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Su área de trabajo remite, principalmente, a Baruch Spinoza y a la dimensión republicana capaz de ser hallada en su filosofía.
The work will be structured in three sections. The first of them analyzes how the different specialists in Spinozian work have studied the Dutch corpus in a dialectical way. This type of interpretation will be emphasized here not only in regard to Spinoza's own ontology, but also to his political philosophy. Secondly, this article investigates the way in which Spinozian ontology can be studied, proposing that, rather than making use of a dialectical method of Hegelian roots, it is rather possible to undertake the study of Spinoza's main philosophical concepts. that are linked to the essence from the notion of sublimation, a notion that, as we will see, is closely related to the monism of Spinoza's philosophy. Finally, the way in which this sublimation procedure can also be applied to the concepts of the Dutchman that specifically refer to the political aspect of his thought is analyzed.
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