The title of this article refers to a controversy regarding the Heideggerian interpretation of Nietzsche. We suggest to understand this title based on the title of an article by José Jara. In the first part of this title, José Jara uses a hyphen to unite and separate Nietzsche and Heidegger. In the second part of the title, after the colon, he includes another title. This second title refers to a Nietzsche aphorism which is an allegory (§ 378, The Gay Science).
We believe that José Jara, without saying so, attempted to become himself the controversial hyphen by trying to subject Nietzsche to a type of catharsis to clean him or save him from the interpretation by the Freiburg teacher. Hence, a revived Nietzsche today would be able to say, once more: "and we are limpid again
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