Chilena. Profesora de Filosofía y Licenciada en Educación por la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Magister en estudios avanzados de Genero y Cultura, mención Filosofía y Humanidades por la Universidad de Chile. Doctora(c) en Filosofía por la Universidad Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis en cotutela con la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
The present article develops a reflection concerning the figure of the subjectivation and the statute of the lack in relation to Jacques Lacan y Hegel's thought . The analysis will be addressed from a philosophical approach as and with a psychoanalytic perspective, to show the need to understand the subjectivity, not already as a "work" of duel, but ligature to the loss and the split. The idea is that the above mentioned significances make possible deconstruir and to rethink the duel in lack, that he structures to the subject in an experience "escripturaire" (escriptural) and, for the same thing, of dispossession. So that the figure of the subjetivación "in" lack will allow to grant an important place to the non-place while I spread where the unthinkable thing and the "Autre" registers. Once exposed this, the reflection will focus on the tragic exigences behind experience “escripturaire” expressed in the image of Antigone