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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)

Benjamin’s Concept of History in the ‘struggle for its (true) Representation’

July 17, 2020


According to Pablo Oyarzun, Benjamin’s concept of history “is not about a war over the representation of history, but a war over history itself. Only in so far as this is its field, there can also be a struggle for its (true) representation”. While Oyarzun’s observation refers to the first “thesis” of Benjamin’s «On the Concept of history», in this article I argue that it can be productively used to shed light onto a broader understanding of the Benjamin’s concept of history. To that end, I elaborate on Oyarzun’s comment in order to analyze and to render explicit the relationship between 'Truth' and '(Re)presentation' (Darstellung) in Benjamin’s thought. In doing so, I highlight the relevance of this relationship for the concept of 'History' that Benjamin elaborated in the late ‘30s


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