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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)

Classify in Psychiatry and the DSM-V: some Reflections with and Beyond Georges Canguilhem

November 29, 2019


This article addresses the issues related to the problem of classification of mental disorders in psychiatry in the context of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). First, some background information is provided on the history of the classification of mental disorders and the evolution that DSM has had over time is shown. Secondly, the delimitation of the normal and the pathological in psychiatry is investigated through Canguilhem's medical-philosophical thought. Thirdly, the biopolitical management of psychic sufferings is reflected in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-V and its increasing medicalization. Finally, an approach to the concepts of health and disease in Canguilhem is made as it incorporates existential and experiential variables absent in the DSM-V classifications and in the psychiatric diagnosis.


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