This text operates as a blog of different stories mediated by various concepts on forms of governmentality, misconduct, social movements and insurrection, assembling human actors (insurgent movements, fascist movements, sick, police, military, government) and non-human (dogs, coronavirus, rheas, medicines) between Brazil and Chile in a spiral of turbulent stories spanning a short period of less than a year. The attempt is to highlight, in these countries, collectives with extremely similar elements, forming kaleidoscopes with absolutely different meanings and which, in a space of 10 months, present intense and almost daily changes of a configuration that could be described, in Foucauldian terms, as war civil. The aim of this text is not intended to address all aspects of these warlike configurations, but rather those elements that are unique to these transhuman collectives. The text presents its proposal in the form of a blog or a war diary considering the events since the social outbreak in October 2019 in Chile, through the entry into the scene of the coronavirus pandemic and closing with what happened until August 2020 to perceive the way in which this whole group produces in Brazil and Chile the configuration of collectives with very similar elements, but with unique meanings in the respective battles.
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