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Vol. 11 (2020): Especial. Biopolíticas. Laboratorios contemporáneos

After COVID 19 we will be as always, but in a different way. Plot continuities to erect a milestone



The milestone category that is frequently used to refer to the COVID 19 pandemic is called into question to propose that the use of this category is rather what generates a distinction between a past time or a before and a future time or an after. It is proposed that the possibility that this has been erected as a milestone is given by processes that are maintained both globally and locally, even though what allows the appearance of unprecedented events for the Chilean health system is precisely the need to articulate its actions and markedly neoliberal rationalities with global logics. It is specified in the penetration of technological and biopolitical frameworks in the ways of life of the population worldwide and in the notions regarding how to live, and in the colonial matrix of knowledge / power that is at the base of the historical conception of the world system.


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