Magíster en sociología por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Académico de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. Ha sido director de "Revista de la Academia" desde sus inicios.
The article aims to show, first of all, that the transcendental approach that is at the base of the conceptions of the deliberative and hegemonic politics of Habermas and Laclau-Mouffe, respectively, have the consequence of neutralizing the pluralism of political practices, asumming a conception Historicist in the sense that Dipesh Chakravarty has given the term, as a unified process destined to reproduce everywhere in the same way, ultimately Eurocentric. Moreover, to hold that, in the manner in which Emil Lask thinks the categories, there is a way to avoid historicism. These are determined temporally and historically, and there is no realm of validity that is autonomous or subsistent in itself, in which knowing is having before a category in a perspective, in a disposition or a bias, in a turn or aspect. This implies that truth and diversity, or truth and pluralism, as well as truth, power and cultural content cease to be incompatible.
BUTLER, Judith; LACLAU, Ernesto; Zizek, Slavoj. Contingencia, hegemonía, universali-dad. Diálogos contemporáneos de la izquierda, Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004.
HABERMAS, Jürgen. La lógica de las ciencias sociales, México, Grijalbo, 1988
Habermas, Jürgen. Teoría de la acción comunicativa II, Madrid, Taurus, 1987.
CHAKRABARTY, Dipesh. Al márgen de Europa, Barcelona, Tusquets, 2008.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh. El humanismo en la era de la globalización, Madrid, Katz, 2009.
LASK, Emil. La logique de la philosophie et la doctrine des catégories. Étude sur la forme logique et sa souverainité, Paris, Vrin, 2002.
LACLAU Ernesto. “Deconstruction, Pragmatism, Hegemony”, en Chantal Mouffe (ed.) Deconstruction and Pragmatismo, Nueva York, Routledge, 1996.
LACLAU, Ernesto; MOUFFE Chantal. Hegemonía y estrategia socialista. Hacia una radicalización de la democracia, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1987.