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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)

Otherness and Community in Being and Time: Two Fundamental Experiences of the World Revealed in the Phenomenon of Alterity

January 26, 2019


The present article carries out a synthetic, but finished, description, of the alterity in Being and Time of Martin Heidegger. In this process, two different ways of approaching this phenomenon are identified. The first is that emanating from the project of individual existence and the second is that thematized as people (Volk). These modes of access to alterity, which we will treat here for greater clarity as otherness and community, correspond precisely to the two sections of the work, so it becomes also necessary to raise and answer the question about the nature of such a turn. More precisely, an attempt will be made to explain this transit as a modification of the fundamental experience of the world from which the work in each case unfolds


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