Chileno, Doctor en Filosofía mención estética y teoría del arte por la Universidad de Chile. Licenciado en Educación y Profesor de Filosofía por el Ex-Pedagógico Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Autor del libro La decisión. El problema de la responsabilidad en Ser y Tiempo (LOM, 2012). Profesor defilosofía y estética en el Departamento de Arte de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado; Profesor del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, ambas en Santiago de Chile
In the context of Badiou's philosophical mobilization from Platonism of the multiple towards the question of the Idea, in this article I will analyze the equivalence that Badiou proposes between an ‘awakening of History’ and the reactivation of the Idea of communism, through his historical diagnosis of the present as a time of revolts in the midst of a regressive capitalism towards nineteenth-century forms. However, the affirmation of such ‘awakening’ is problematic, since Badiou indicates that ‘History does not exist’ as a transversal dictum in his work. Is there an internal contradiction in the author's philosophy? In this regard, I will show the correlation of the thesis of non-existence of History with the affirmation of post-eventual eternal truths. My hypothesis will be that the thesis of the non-existence of History can be elucidated in communication with the logical theory of the appearance of the object in a world: the law of history would not be the discontinuity of appearing but the continuity of a narrative determined by its processual character. That would support their link with political organization as 'discipline of the event': determine how to be faithful to the change of world in the world itself under the sign of the Idea
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