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Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

The Part Played by Labour in the Development of Human Thought

September 3, 2018


Labour is the cornerstone of Marxist understanding of the human being and the nature of his thought. This is true both from the phylogenetic and the ontogenetic point of view. The present article tries to introduce itself in that understanding starting from the ideas of Marx and Engels seen from the prism of the activity theory. The specifically human thought only arises when the individual internalizes the socio-historically developed forms of interaction with reality inscribed in the external objects that constitute the system of culture. This appropriation takes place not only through the use of artifacts, but also through the relationships that the individual establishes with other human beings in daily activity. Near the end of the paper, is made a philosophical analysis of the educational experience with blind-deaf-mute children under the direction of A. I. Meshcheryakov that provides a paradigmatic demonstrative case of the sustained theses


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