Chilena. Licenciada en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Actualmente trabaja en la defensa de su tesis de Magister en Filosofía en la Universidad de Chile. Becaria CONICYT Magíster Nacional. Becaria de la Fundación Volcán Calbuco. Su línea de investigación se centra en la conjunción entre el análisis del espacio y el urbanismo con la filosofía de Baruch de Spinoza, especialmente en relación con el concepto de conatus y cupiditas, viendo en esta relación la posibilidad de una antropología urbana
In the present article it is pretend to show the conception of Henri Lefebvre abstract space, which corresponds with its conception of his production in the age of capitalism. In the lecture of the french philosopher the place in which violence takes place is in spaces of representation, that is the lived space that corresponds with the poetic vision of Nietzsche, the place of daily life. This violence attents against desire but in favor of capital, against common potence and in favor of merchandise, matter that it manifest in the urban context, in planification as in architecture. The process of production of this kind of space as abstract, has as essential characteristic repression, but that is sustained by the reification of men and the life of the merchandises; men as not alive, are displaced of his potence to introduce themselves in space as working hand, operative to capital, negating the possibilityof determinating the process of space production, or, best said, manipulating the conditions of his production in a negative way, attenting against men itself