Cubano, Licenciado en filosofía marxista-leninista por la Universidad de La Habana. Actualmente forma parte del colectivo docente e investigador del Departamento de Filosofía para la Especialidad de la Facultad de Filosofía e Historia de la Universidad de La Habana
For determining the role of Kant's philosophy in the dialectical logic, eight aspects of the Kant's contribution to its development are proposed. Kant, when shows the intrinsically dialectical character of the theoretical thought's synthetic activity, sets the starting point of the dialectical modern logic as the epistemic philosophy in agreement with the new natural sciences' world-view that he in self began. However, by not taking these dialectical aspects until their last consequences, the philosophy of Kant ended in the same beginning of the movement that, for other thinkers' mediation, would arrive to the Marxist dialectical logic